How to Install a Sliding Security Door

A sliding security door can be the perfect addition to your home. It can be the ideal door option when you are looking for easy access from the backyard patio area to the kitchen. This type of door can be both stylish and functional, but it is outfitted with many safety features that make it the most secure option for your home. Most sliding security doors feature shatter-proof glass that can't be broken. This makes these doors the ideal barrier to install in your home. It is possible to install a sliding security door yourself if you follow the right procedures.


You only require minimal tools when you are installing a sliding security door. Aside from the door, you will need a screw gun, razor blade, silicone adhesive, shims and wood screws. The first step in the process involves applying silicone adhesive to the lumber that borders the door jamb. This lumber should already be pressure treated, and it is important that you apply a liberal amount of adhesive to it. You should apply a line of adhesive that spans the entire door jamb. This will enable you to then place the sliding door over the adhesive and lay it in place until it is properly secured. You will have to lift the sliding door before you lay it over the adhesive, which might require the assistance of another individual depending on the weight of the sliding security door being installed.


Once the door has been laid in place, you can then add shims. The purpose of the shims is to make sure that the door is completely level. You should place the shims on all corners. Once the door is level, you can then keep the shims in place by securing the lumber with the wood screws. It is important for one person to hold the wood in place while the other individual screws in the wood screws. Once you have the door screwed into place properly, you can then use your razor blade to cut away the excess shims. The amount of the shims that are protruding from the door should be cut away using the razor blade. Just be sure that you cut a straight edge when cutting away the protruding shims.


After you have the door securely in place, you can then install all the hardware on your sliding security door. It is easier to save hardware installation for last. The handle will not get in the way during installation if you choose to install it as the last step.
