4 Reasons to Consider Adding In-Ceiling Speakers to Your Home

Whether you're an experienced audiophile or simply want to bring the best possible sound to your home, you'll probably be thinking long and hard about the best type of speakers. However, one option you may not have considered is the in-ceiling speaker. As the name suggests, these are built into the ceiling. That might sound like an odd idea, but here are just four reasons why in-ceiling speakers might be the right choice for you.

1. Save on Space

The most obvious benefit that comes with in-ceiling speakers is also the most compelling: you get to enjoy high-grade audio without the clutter of modern speakers. The best speakers tend to be on the larger side, so they noticeably fill up a room. Unless your living area is exceptionally spacious, adding a few speakers is going to make it look a little cramped, and you won't have as much room for other pieces of furniture that traditionally go along the walls, such as bookcases and lamps. Why not remove the clutter by fitting in-ceiling speakers instead?

2. No Cables

Cables are a modern menace. You'll have cables for your TV, your DVD player, your smartphone, your internet router and so on. There's no getting away from them. Your in-ceiling speakers will also require cables, but they will be concealed behind the ceiling. This is great since cables are quite unsightly. Better yet, things will be safer. You won't need to worry about tripping over cables or having them played with or chewed on by children or pets.  

3. Excellent Sound Dispersion

Traditional speakers are usually placed in the corner of the room—this is the only place you really can put them if you want them out of the way. Unfortunately, speakers positioned in corners don't sound as good as they should. In-ceiling speakers offer outstanding sound dispersion since sound comes downwards to fill the room. You can also include pivoting tweeters to direct the sound wherever you wish.

4. Avoids Styling Problems

Some people make their speakers into the focal point of their living areas, but these people are in the minority. For most, it's tough to integrate their chosen décor with a few large speakers. When you opt for in-ceiling speakers, this isn't something you need to worry about. They only project a few millimetres from the ceiling, so you can decorate how you like without worrying about the speakers ruining your chosen aesthetic.

To learn more about your options for speakers, contact a company like Tivoli Hi-Fi Pty Ltd.
